SMS Short Codes Now Available in the US

Feb 24, 2014
SMS Short Codes Now Available in the US

As of today, you can apply for a US short code number to use to send your SMS messages through Plivo. With short codes, you can have:

  • Fast direct-to-customer communication — Send at a default base rate of 50 SMS messages per second.
  • Higher marketing conversion rates — SMS interactions have higher marketing conversions than other modes of communication.
  • One nationwide identity — You can reserve exclusive rights to your own short code and give your users a simple five- or six-digit number to reach you.

Porting your short codes to Plivo

If you already have short codes and would like Plivo to send your SMS messages, we offer two packages: one where we handle your short code lease and one in which you handle your lease directly with the Common Short Code Administrator (CSCA). Depending on your carrier, porting may take up to a few weeks from the time of application.

Visit our short code page for more details and pricing.

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