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Annual agreements available if monthly spend exceeds $750 a month.
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Volume pricing starts at 200,000 units/ month. For lower volumes, check our standard pricing

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Thanks for your interest in Plivo. We have two account options available to meet customers’ varying needs:

  • Self-service: no commitment, standard pricing, free basic support.
  • Committed spend agreement: guided implementation, premium support options, and discounted rates. These packages involve an annual contract starting at $750 a month.
Based on the information that you provided, a self-service account seems like the right fit for your business. Use the links below to get started:
If you’d like to discuss a committed spend agreement, please provide us a bit more information by filling out this form.
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Automatic Speech Recognition

Build intelligent voice-driven interactions. Automatically recognize speech as text on your voice calls in real time.

Automatic Speech Recogntiion

Leverage Speech Recognition for a Better Customer Experience

Optimized Points of Presence

Conversational IVR Menus

Upgrade your existing multilevel IVR menus to intelligent voice-driven experiences.

Carrier Connections

Voice Search

Build virtual assistants that surface relevant information based on the users’ queries.

Quality based routing

Voice-Based Forms and Surveys

Prompt users for information and automatically capture and transcribe their responses to fill out forms and surveys.

Capture User Input with Real-Time Speech Recognition

Conference Call

Works Out of the Box

Powered by advanced machine learning and AI, our platform recognizes a wide variety words and phrases without any prior training.

Real-time transcription

Real-Time Transcription

Interact without any delays with real-time streaming of partially transcribed speech to your application endpoint.

Extensive Language Support

Extensive Language Support

Support for speech recognition in 27 languages and their regional variants. Support for more languages coming soon.

Scalable Cloud IVR

Inappropriate Content Filtering

Robust profanity filters that detect and mask inappropriate content in transcriptions.

Call forwarding

Speech Adaptation With Hints

Improve speech recognition accuracy by providing list of hint words expected from the speaker.

Call forwarding

Prebuilt Use Case-Specific Models

Select from a range of prebuilt models for your use case. Special “command_and_search” model for command-driven IVR.

How It Works

How speech recognition works
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